Pre-forum field events 28 and/or 29 Nov:
Option 1:
28 and 29 Nov, 1 ½ -day field trip from Brisbane with CSIRO — to visit mixed crop/livestock systems in the southeast Queensland sub-tropics of the Darling Downs. Included visits to farms and families with winter cereals (wheat and barley) approaching harvest time, summer crops such as cotton and sorghum (early plantings), and intensive livestock operations. CSIRO agricultural scientists accompanied the visitors. Overnight stay in the Dalby region. Return to Brisbane by early afternoon of 29th, in time for travel to Sydney for cocktail welcome reception.
Option 2:
29 Nov, ½ -day research showcasing event in Sydney – with the Australia Africa Universities Network at the University of Sydney. A showcase of laboratory research capacity and academic excellence, including visits to laboratories specialising in veterinary, agricultural and nutrition research and presentations from leading academics.
Read more about about the event.
Pre-forum social event 29 Nov:
An afternoon guided cruise on the beautiful Sydney Harbour.
Forum welcome reception at Botanic Gardens 29 Nov
Forum event 30 Nov at Shangri-la Hotel, Sydney
See the AIFSC launch program, filmed sessions and speakers presentations
Forum Dinner 30th Nov. at NSW Government House, Sydney.
Post-forum social event 1 Dec:
1-day social program from Sydney to the Hunter Valley agricultural region of New South Wales, to visit a series of working farms involved with the dairy, goat, olive and wine-growing industries.
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