AIFSC project leaders: master communicators
The AIFSC supported its project leaders to attend the Crawford Fund Masterclass titled Communicating with Stakeholders at the ILRI campus, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from the 21st to the 26th of April. The project leaders networked with colleagues from different organisations in Eastern and Southern Africa but most importantly, bonded with other AIFSC project leaders and AIFSC staff member, Liz Ogutu.
“It was great to come out of the training with communication strategies for all the projects”, commented Liz Ogutu.
“This is the first time that that all the AIFSC project leaders and the AIFSC staff in Nairobi have met together in one location. Many ideas were exchanged and the project leaders clearly identified the linkages between the different projects.”
The masterclass offered an opportunity for the projects to “unpack” their messages into chunks that are easily understood by non-scientific audiences.
“We expect to do a review on the impact of the class after three months when we can see more messages, more outreach and better synergies with all the projects”, said Liz.
It was a wonderful and well run training by facilitated by the Crawford Fund and we hope the staff of upcoming projects will have a similar opportunity to fine-tune their communication skills.
AVRDC Postharvest Specialist Ngoni Nenguwo also attended the Master Class - read this short article in the AVRDC newsletter Fresh about his participation.